Welcome and thanks for visiting! I’m Miranda Smith and I work with individuals and groups sharing the simplicity of using essential oils and how their powerful effects can benefit YOU!

I came to natural products out of sheer frustration from living with crohn’s and colitis for many years. I was tired of being on prescriptions that helped with one thing but created other issues which weren’t even close to pleasant. I was tired of being in pain, feeling low emotionally, and just all around shitty a lot of the time. Pardon my language, but if you’ve suffered from any chronic illness, you know what I mean, right?

The journey started when I went to see a local naturopath. It was a particularly rough time in my life, and I was in pain daily trying to raise two small boys and work full time. I was being infused with some pretty serious meds every six weeks. The type of meds with multiple “fatal events have occurred warnings!” It was scary stuff, and I was looking for other options….something….anything. My naturopath put me on an elimination diet to try to pinpoint my dietary triggers. He also gave me some homeopathy pills, probiotics, fish oil, and glucosamine. Within 14 days I had my first pain free day!! I was blown away! I hadn’t felt good in sooo long, I started doing everything he said! Haha I’m still doing all of the things I learned from him.

A few years later I was suffering with depression after a major loss I encountered and was having a really hard time moving forward in my life. I never wanted to get out of bed. I felt lost and alone in the world. I felt defeated, drained, and didn’t see any hope for the future.

I saw an ad for an essential oils class and after my previous success with natural products, I was curious to learn what essential oils were all about. While there and after discussing my struggles, a lovely lady gifted me with some samples of Peace and Console. I started using my oil samples multiple times a day and I immediately felt better. WOW! I felt more grounded. I felt more supported. I felt HOPEFUL again! WOW! I couldn’t believe it! These beautiful gifts of the earth had so much healing power! I was hooked!! I just had to have more, and I had to learn more.

Since then, I’ve been learning, learning, and learning! Haha …I did my research and discovered an amazing company that is of the purest quality, unbelievably transparent, eco conscious, sources ethically, and contributes to the world in MAJOR positive ways! WIN!

I now incorporate natural essential oil solutions into almost every area of my life and have experienced wonderful results! … PSSST! I've been RX free for five years now! YIPEE! {Imagine me doing my happy dance here! Haha}

I'm feeling great and I want YOU to feel great too!

I get to help others by sharing the simple ways you can discover the powerful benefits of using quality essential oils! 

My oils have been such a gift to me, so I feel called to share the message of natural healing. 😊

Yes, even if you’re not a total health freak, you can still bring natural remedies like essential oils (my passion) into your life and home. lol

One of the coolest things, is teaching my kids how to use the oils on themselves and helping them to understand about how their bodies work. Teaching them how to heal on their own is REALLY POWERFUL! They see and feel the MAGIC of the oils and it's so amazing because not a lot of kids know how to do that!

Are you ready explore the POWERFUL BENEFITS of plant based essential oils? I’m here to help YOU!